I have been reading a lot in order to learn more about the way my brain works and just how girls tend to be when they are young. As I was reading Joann Deak's book "How Girls Thrive", I found the quote given by Marilyn Van Savant "A good idea will keep you awake during the morning, but a great idea will keep you awake during the night." (Joann Deak, 35). I read that quote I and I could not help but smile. I smiled because even though in the past century there has been millions of research done about the ways girls act and how they are influenced (meaning that my idea is by no means original) , I myself never understood why I acted the way I did or felt the way I do. My idea is captivating to me (and maybe someday to others) because I am going through the stage and at the same time I am attempting to look at myself objectively. What a hard thing to do at my age. The main "idea" of my project was to find myself. I wanted to understand why I stopped singing even though I knew that "inside" the feeling that I had was embarrassment and fear. I had never have taken time to deal with that aspect nor my mom has any idea that all this world exists. I don't blame her for not knowing how to deal with this world because she probably had some similar feeling of inadequacy when she was young that her mother never knew how to deal with. So that just shows the chain that exists in the world of not- knowing therefore meaning that this "world" doesn't really exists.
There third chapter of this of Joann Deak's book deals with the three ingredients that a girls must have in order to have a good/balanced self-esteem. They are green frogs, green fingernails, green marbles. Yes, as goofy as it may seem these are the three tittles of the stories that show the ingredients which are really competence, confidence, and connectedness. Joann Deak uses these three stories to help us associte these three ingredients to gain self-esteem .
I am happy to have read these book it has helped a lot.
Ha! I still have my green frogs that Joann Deak handed out to those of us who answered her questions when she came to my school in Baltimore.