Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tentative Panel

This is the list of the tentative panel members that I will have to evaluate my project at the end of the year: Jan Ott, Susan Davis,  Dr. Amy Acosta, Jen Pickering,  and Marcela Gandara.

  1. Jan Ott the Environmental Science teacher and she has also agreed to coach me to less self-conscious. She also has experience with singing. She can help me with her coaching abilities and also with the technical side of singing.
  2. Susan Davis is my English teacher and also a coach. She has put me in contact with people that can help me move further in the project.
  3. Dr. Amy Acosta is a middle school psychologist who helped me figure out the purpose and the steps to carry out an experiment. I think that her professional skills of a psychologist can help me have a better experiment. 
  4. Jen Pickering used to be my mentor and she is part of the board of Chinquapin. She can be an outside judge that can look at my project objectively and make a decision of whether I made progress or not.
  5. Marcela Gandara is one of the women that inspire my singing. I think that she could be a judge of my signing and determine whether I express the emotion I talk about. She lives in El Paso, Texas.           I also am looking for a signing teacher so if I get one soon that person will probably on my panel of judges. 

Today, I have a better understanding of what I had when I started brainstorming for my senior project. I know that I that I will carry out an experiment that will reinforce the research carried by Joann Deak and many other scientists. Dr. Amy Acosta gave helped me figure why I was really doing the research. The purpose of this experiment is to actually collect qualitative research that will give me an insight as to what girls think and feel from two different economic and racial spectrum's. Girls are girls in any place of the world but they are affected by different influences and that is something that is fact that could become helpful for the further development of teenage girls today. I also know that even though I have progressed in some ways with my research I have been set back with my lack of organization. I see that for the next semester I have to set deadlines and organize my time to work more efficiently and effectively.
During this Winter Break, I must confirm the members of my panel, write a consent form for the participants of my research, figure out a few tentative dates for the experiment, keep on reading the books by Joann Deak, and find a voice teacher. There are many things but if I organize myself then I will be able to accomplish my goals.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tamar,
    I think you are making pretty good progress. Don't let that lack of organization put you down. Just focus on your goals for this project and don't let anything put you down and if that happens, find the motive to pick yourself back up. The more we approach the final due date for our project, the more difficult it will become for us. From your progress I feel like you'll be just fine. Believe in yourself and your voice. Sing your mind. Take a stand. Anything is possible just as long as you have the will. Good Luck!!
